Nickels and Dimes
There's an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force--which I just saw a repeat of last night--where Oglethorpe and Emory lure Shake into their spaceship (so as to replace him with a perfect copy) by promising him a movie deal. Meatwad, acting as Shake's agent, negotiates a contract for 15% gross, licensing rights and one (1) VHS copy of the movie itself.
The reason I bring that up is that I just read about the particulars of Ichiro's new deal with the Mariners. Rather than making the $17 million / year figure that was first reported, he'll be grossing $12M. What happens to the rest? Well...
- 5 million deferred a year, at 5.5% interest (!)
- $32K a year in a "housing allowance"
- 4 (four) first-class tickets for round trips from Japan to Seattle
- A personal trainer
- A Mercedes
I need to read firejoemorgan on a regular basis, obviously.
2:20 PM
Can't possibly recommend it enough, I'm telling you.
8:02 PM
The line by line dissection of the "A-Rod salary controversy" was stellar.
4:15 PM
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