A locus for eccentrics (hopefully)

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Alright fuck all that bullshit. This is the new and improved Vapid Lemur. That's right; no more pussyfooting around, getting on my indie high-horse trying to talk up some obscure artist that I and 550,000 other obsessive-compulsives are currently fawning over. No Sir-ey. This is it. This is going to just blow your motherfucking minds into oblivion. Time to batten down the hatches.

Time for some action
just a fraction of friction
I've got the clearance
to run the interference.

It's time to get down and dirty, to slather our arms with laquer and construct something, anything, that is different and worth your time. Yes indeed. Time to get down to fucking bidness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cypress hill cypress hill

3:11 PM


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